3 simple back to school crafts

This week has been about simple Back to School crafts.

My daughter just gets so excited when our mystery craft boxes arrive each month as part of our Bostik bloggers project with Tots100

This month  I told her our theme was Back to School and let her loose. We had a little trawl through YouTube for some inspiration and she played around with the items too trying this and that.

It is such a joy to watch your child’s creativity in flow isn’t it? It makes both of us so happy.


simple back to school crafts

She loved the little foam pads Bostik sent with the craft materials. Thsee are fab for tricky fixings. She just loves their fabric glue too. She used the glue to affix the buttons and she used the blu tack that was sent to stick her Back to School timetable to the fridge.Yay for brilliant Bostik products

You can have a look at what she made in this sweet little video.

I think she did a great job and her crafts are both pretty and practical.


Even more creativity

I started a new community on Instagram this month based around the hashtag #acreativechildhood  I have been playing around with all sorts of craft bits and bobs and have found some brilliant  pirate clipart to give a fun pirate theme to our crafts  plus some cool parrot clipart to make  some tropic themed crafts too. Watch this space.

Please do come and join in if you are interested in this  concept it could involves music, art, craft, play, baking, making, creating or experimenting…I would love to see your photos and hopefully we can all inspire each other. You can find me on Instagram here

P.S Oh and just in case you missed it last month we were making creepy crawly crafts



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