An Overview of Phonological Processes


Today – An Overview of Phonological Processes

When young children are learning to speak, they must learn to shape every sound that comes out of their mouths. We expect toddlers to use the wrong words or say the right word incorrectly. That’s why we’re happy when they say “da” before they say “daddy”. We may work on pronunciation of a new word or teach them a new syllable. This process is automatic for most of us. However, there is an entire developmental process going on in the child’s brain and body that is known to science. It is called the phonological process. Errors and mistakes during learning are normal. However, by the time a child is five, we expect them to have learned from those mistakes. Yet a number of children continue to make them, while other issues can get in the way of clear communication.

Here are some of the most common types of phonological processes and the biology behind them thanks to detailed infographic by WPS Publish.

WPS is a publishing firm focused on educational, psychological and medical materials. Their focus is on the evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and therapy of individuals with autism, speech delays, and language challenges. They also create resources for school psychologists and those working in occupational therapy. This makes WPS the experts in phonology and speech therapy. As such, their infographic on phonological processes not only accurate but their sources beyond reproach. You can also use the guide to determine when you should expect inaccurate speech patterns to be resolved, so you know when to seek guidance when the issues haven’t gone away. Understanding which issues tend to occur in severe cases also allows you to know when you should seek expert help. Conversely, recognizing the patterns allows to address their behavior at the root level instead of getting mad that they’re making a mistake with what seems like one word.


An Overview of Phonological Processes

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