Naturally Crafty #10: Den Building

We have had a little time in the woods this week and my daughter and her BF built a fabulous den. Crafting from nature in a very purposeful way. They worked together so well and as they would say they were ‘super proud’ of their efforts. How lovely. I adore the little pretend fire they made too.

den building

How to build it?

Well I  am happy to say I have no idea.

We purposefully  totally left them too and say right out the way whilst they scurried about. We could hear and just see them and they loved that freedom. That’s so important and they totally had to work it all out themselves.

I think they did a great job don’t you!

den wuth


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  1. August 25, 2016 / 6:16 pm

    This is my first time visiting your linky and I am really excited. Thank you so much for hosting, I am looking forward to visiting some of the other posts as well. #naturallycrafty
    Amy Le Pelley recently posted…DIY Upcycled Washer BraceletsMy Profile

  2. August 26, 2016 / 1:45 pm

    What a FAB den they built! My kids love den building too, such a creative way to spend time outdoors and it teaches them lots of great skills like teamwork and problem-solving. We must do it again soon!
    Catherine recently posted…Living Room InspirationMy Profile

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