Falling in love with books
Falling in love with books
My daughter at age 7 fell in love with Harry Potter. She has read and a read and read since those days. I will be ever grateful to these amazing stories for starting this life long love affair that I know will sustain, delight, console and amaze her the rest of her days.
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Reading is such a good love to have…#mysundayphoto
Happy New Year
That is so lovely to see, my eldest is just starting them now.
Thank you for linking up
I’m a total bookworm myself, and this seems to be passing off on my son (which of course I love). Beautiful capture!
‘Books are a uniquely portable magic.’ – Stephen King
Oh that is just precious!
Aww! How sweet….
Harry Potter is such a lovely series to fall in love with….I’m not a big reader but have read all the books x
My children haven’t read the books, my seven year old can’t yet, one day he might be able too. But we went to Harry Potter land in Universal so they know who he is. My three year old mentions his name quite a bit now #MySundayPhoto
What a little grown up she looks there!
It is a love affair that will hopefully last a lifetime