Getting Your Child Ready for Bed

Whether you have a toddler or your little one has just started school, ensuring they have a good bedtime routine could be the difference between a good night’s sleep and a sleepless night. It’s not always easy to get a child to go to bed at the time you desire which can become extremely draining for you and your partner and could potentially become a strain on your relationship in time. In this guide, we’re going to look at some of the ways you can create a relaxing bedtime routine that should ensure your child is getting the sleep they need.


Getting Your Child Ready for Bed

A warm bath

Each night, giving your child a warm bath will help them unwind and become sleepy. This is due to the fact that sitting for long periods in hot water raises the body temperature, before reducing to a much lower temperature when they dry off. This dramatic drop sends signals to the brain that the body is ready to rest. If you haven’t got a bath installed, you could consider revamping your bathroom and could also add significant value to your property. A bathroom design service can plan your interior and create your dream bathroom.


Avoid screens

In the hours before the bedtime routine starts, it would be wise to limit your child’s screen time. This is due to the fact that computer screens, mobiles and tablets emit blue light which keeps the brain alert. As a result, this can make it more difficult to fall asleep and even cause them to awaken in the middle of the night.

Bedroom environment

Your child’s bedroom has a huge part to play in their quality of sleep. It should be dark (especially in the summer when natural light floods into the room earlier in the morning), therefore, blackout blinds can block out the light and help them sleep for longer throughout the mornings. The room should also be at the correct temperature of between 16 -20 degrees Celsius.


Be consistent

As your child gets older, it’s natural for the bedtime routine to change, however, in the early days, you should aim to stick to a consistent time that gets your child into a repetitive schedule. This will prepare them each night on what to expect and will be less likely to refuse or become hesitant, once they know that this is now the norm.

If however, they start to become restless or fidgety, you could introduce a security item such as a stuffed toy or blanket to help settle them, but do be aware that they are not safe to sleep with.

Get help

There may be occasions when you have tried all of the tips above and you’re still no further forward in creating a bedtime routine that is proving to work. In this case, you may wish to seek external help. Informing your GP may be the best first step so they can access your child for any minor health complaints before referring you to a therapist.




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