Falling pregnant is not always as easy as some might like it to be, and often, it can become stressful. Not everyone will have the same experience when trying to fall pregnant and some experiences may be more stressful than others for certain people.
There are, however, ways in which you can make the journey a little easier with Zita West’s comprehensive guide on how to boost your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant.
This guide is a summary of a webinar that Zita West held, giving the best tips for fertility and falling pregnant. There will also be an updated free webinar taking place on 15 January 2024, so make sure to sign up.
This journey is not just about the physical aspects; it’s a whole-body event that encompasses your mind, body, and lifestyle.
How to get pregnant faster
Zita West’s expert advice is that all of these aspects are taken into account when deciding to start trying for a baby, whether it be naturally or through IVF.
The Mind-Body Connection in Fertility
Understanding the mind-body connection is crucial in your journey toward conception. Stress and fear can stagnate growth on every level, diminishing creativity and affecting your fertility.
Calming your mind and body is essential, as elevated stress levels release cortisol, which can negatively impact falling pregnant. Trying meditation is a great way to calm your whole body down and refocus.
Alternatives to Medicine and Holistic Approaches
While medical interventions are valuable, it’s also essential to explore alternatives that focus on lifestyle, nutrition, and the mind-body connection. These natural methods can enhance your fertility without solely relying on medicine.
In saying this, it is always imperative to consult your GP first before making any rash decisions about trying to conceive.
Strategic Planning and Key Focus Areas
Zita West urges couples and people deciding to grow their families to put a lot of thought into the matter and to figure out when the best time would be to start a family. There are a few things to take into consideration here.
Age and Timing
Age plays a vital role in fertility. It’s important to plan strategically, considering the best time to test your eggs and being aware of your biological clock.
For example, if you have been trying to conceive for a while but have not yet fallen pregnant, and you’re still in your late twenties or early thirties, it might be a good idea to get your eggs tested.
Support Systems
Research and think about the support you need throughout this journey. Remember, you have control over your lifestyle choices and how you manage them.
Be sure to have the right support around you, whether it be a medical professional or a close friend or family member.
Understanding Your Body
It’s a common misconception that ovulation can be pinpointed precisely. While apps and gadgets can help, they often lead to obsession rather than providing accurate guidance.
Instead, you can log down your symptoms and the things that your body is experiencing as this will give you a clearer indication of when you are ready. Remember, everyone’s body is different and will require different medical interventions if any at all.
Dealing with Delays in Fertility
On average, it takes 8-12 months to conceive. It’s important to take the pressure off and avoid blaming one another during this time. Performance anxiety, especially around ovulation, can be counterproductive. Remember to be kind to one another during this process.
The factors that affect fertility
Zita West insists that there is a certain chemistry to falling pregnant in the sense that a few different things should be taken into consideration when trying to do so.
Things such as mindset, lifestyle and nutrition should be at the forefront of couples trying to conceive, whether it be naturally or with the use of IVF.
Overcoming mind and body blocks is vital. A positive mindset can significantly influence your fertility journey. Again, this may take some work and can be a journey; be patient with yourself.
A balanced work-life schedule, adequate rest, and relaxation techniques are crucial. Stress depletes your energy reserves, which are needed for conception. Give your body the time it needs and deserves.
Moderate physical activity is also a very positive thing to try and incorporate into your lifestyle. There is a lot of evidence to show the many different benefits to our bodies when serotonin is released during exercise.
Balanced blood sugar levels are essential for hormonal balance. Eat colourful, nutrient-rich foods to support your fertility and consider supplements like omega-3, vitamin D, DHA, inositol, antioxidants, and folate to enhance your fertility.
These different environmental factors will hugely benefit things such as sperm quality, low sperm counts, the menstrual cycle, hormone levels, and overall health when trying to fall pregnant.
Understanding Fertility
When we begin our fertility journey it is always useful to take into consideration both male and female fertility, including the things that we can do to help improve upon this.
The reason for considering both male and female fertility is that trying to get pregnant is a joint effort in that both a healthy egg and sperm are needed to create a healthy baby.
Equally, when both partners are taken into consideration during the process of trying to fall pregnant, there is a better chance of understanding how certain health issues may affect fertility or to best support both as best as possible.
There is then a comprehensive approach to supporting potential fertility issues, and both partners will feel as though they are being looked after and listened to. Further to this, the blame is then also reduced if something does go wrong with conception or pregnancy, for example.
By supporting both partners in this journey, they can both make lifestyle changes that will aid in conceiving. Taking different lifestyle factors into consideration is extremely important, as we discussed earlier.
For a woman, good preconception health is important to ensure a healthy pregnancy and baby. For a man, healthier sperm can improve the likelihood of a healthy embryo and pregnancy.
There has also been an advancement in research on male fertility and infertility. By understanding these new advancements, healthcare professionals can better support both the male and the female partner during this process.
Female Fertility
Factors such as age, time spent trying to conceive, medical history, menstrual cycles, and immune system health play significant roles in trying to conceive. Improving egg quality involves building up nutrients and focusing on a healthy diet and supplementation, as mentioned before.
Various supplements are hugely beneficial for supporting fertility problems. Zita West suggests that supplements such as folate, DHA, vitamin D, and omega 3 are taken.
Male Fertility
Age, medical history, diet, health habits, and exposure to pollutants affect male fertility. A healthy diet, and supplements like folate, DHA, vitamin D, omega-3, zinc, and antioxidants will all benefit male fertility greatly.
Remember, fertility is a whole-body event. Paying attention to your gut health, hormonal balance, and overall well-being is key to enhancing your chances of getting pregnant.
For more expert advice on fertility, get in touch with Zita West’s team of experts today!