Keeping Your Marriage Fresh After A Baby: Tips For Busy Parents  

Lets take a look at Keeping Your Marriage Fresh After A Baby

Any married couples know that having a baby can be a rewarding, yet chaotic time. And whilst there’s nothing better than snuggling with your little bundle of joy, many couples do struggle with keeping their relationship ‘alive’ when their little one’s come along. Granted, not all couples experience this, but, if you are looking to add a little bit of spice, here are some tips for keeping your married life fresh after having a baby:


Keeping Your Marriage Fresh After A Baby: Tips For Busy Parents  

Buy Your Partner an Exciting Present:

You don’t have to wait until your anniversary to surprise your partner with a special gift, although there are some great blogs out there for inspiration. To add a little bit of spice and remind your partner that your thinking of them, buy them something special and surprise them when they/you get home. You’ll be straight in the good books!


Make Weekly Date Nights a Priority:

Anyone in a relationship knows how important prioritising date night can be, let alone married couples with new-born babies! So, the answer to this solution is simple, make sure you take at least one day in a week to spend time just the two of you. And you don’t even need to leave the house if you’d prefer to have a comfy night in or you can’t find a babysitter. What’s important is that you get to spend time as a couple without the stress and responsibilities of everyday life.


Keeping Your Marriage Fresh After A Baby: Tips For Busy Parents  

Be Honest With Each Other:

Honesty is the key to a healthy, passionate relationship. Oftentimes, you find that the relationships that lack honesty are the ones that fail. And having a baby, as well as juggling day to day responsibilities, can be heavy on the mind. So, it’s really important to be transparent with your partner regarding your wants and needs so you’re both on the same page. Feeling down? Let them know. Craving more intimacy? LET THEM KNOW – it may be hard at first, but once you start you won’t be able to stop.


Intimacy Is Key:

We know what you’re going to say, how can you possibly find the time to be intimate with your partner when your baby is in the next room, ready to cry and ruin the moment any minute? The key to this is spontaneity! Finding the time to have spontaneous sex with your partner adds that little bit of excitement to your relationship and will undoubtedly bring you closer as a team. Once you’ve set the baby down for a nap, it’s go time! And we can guarantee you’ll both be happier if you take our advice in this case. Finding the time to be intimate with your partner can make all the difference.

Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help:

You’ll be surprised by how many people will be willing to look after your baby to give your and your partner some time to yourselves. And you should never be embarrassed to reach out to your nearest and dearest if you need a break. It happens to the best of people! Looking for a babysitter for the weekend is a great opportunity to spend some alone time with your partner to work on your relationship, and we can guarantee you’ll be feeling a lot better after some time spent just the two of you.


We’re here to tell you that you’re not on your own if you feel like the spark has started to dim in your relationship because of your baby. And we’re also here to assure you that it’s easier to get that spark back by following a few simple steps. Find time to remind yourself why you married each other, and we can guarantee it’ll be good as new!


Keeping Your Marriage Fresh After A Baby: Tips For Busy Parents  is a featured post – you mihgt also like my post on how to go to sleep


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