Making your home child-friendly

When it comes to making your home child-friendly there are so many things to consider aren’t there?


Parenting really can feel like an endless minefield of caretaking. We worry about their health, we have to think about their clothes. We concern ourselves with our kid’s food, their social life, their education. We worry about saving for their future, are they seeing their grandparents enough, do they have enough fresh air? The list of things to consider when it comes to our kids is never ending – and we worry about it,  we all do, I guess that is our job isn’t it!

When it comes to home there are huge amounts to consider when it comes to our children. Their home is their safe place, their harbour and their sanctuary. They will spend so much time in their home, growing and learning, playing and sleeping, relaxing and creating and bonding with you and their siblings.

Home just has to meet their needs.

Let’s have a little look at what those needs are.


Making your home child-friendly  – what does it involve?

Making your home child-friendly involves a lot of thought. Here are some of the things you may want to consider:


Think Safety

Are your windows save and secure and won’t slam down on little fingers. Are blind cords safe?

Are your kitchen doors secure and are medicines /knives /matches safely stored out of reach?

Are stairgates in place if required and are the stair carpets secure?

Are bedsides in place and are all mattresses fire resistant? Are your smoke and carbon monoxide alarms working and in place?

There is so much to think about in regards to safety isn’t there? I would suggest you go from room to room and just have a good look around and a good think about the dafty aspects of each room. have another adult with you in case you miss something.


Create Space

We are not all blessed with big homes but children do need as much space as we can create for them.

If you have a conservatory I would suggest turning it over to your kids. It is a brilliant place to keep toys and craft stuff and have as a little playroom. It can keep your lounge a bit less cluttered and help you keep some space for you too.

Decluttering regularly is a huge help when it comes to freeing up space, never hoard and pas things on as soon as they are done with.

Also, remember your children don’t need lots and lots of toys..their imagination and nature take up now space and are the best playthings EVER!



Manage Stress

The one thing a child-friendly house needs to be is as stress-free as possible.

Keeping your bills low is one-way parents can impact their own stress levels hugely! Consider  LED light bulbs and double glazed windows as an investment in keeping your energy costs down.

Meal planning reduces food spend really effectively so do make this a habit.

Using comparison sites to ensure you are always on the best deal is also really smart.

Have a look at my thrifty home blog for lots more great money saving ideas.

Another way to keep your home stress-free is to create in yourself a positive mindset. Try consciously noticing everything good – everything good your child does and all the things to appreciate about your home. Do this with awareness until it becomes a habit. It is a sure fire way to make your home happier and you and your child at the same time!


Making your home child-friendly is so important but it really isn’t complex, you just need to think it through and make the happy happen.




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  1. April 4, 2019 / 2:21 am

    Making our home child friendly is really essential for the kids’ safety and the peace of mind of the parents as well. Thanks for sharing this.

  2. April 10, 2019 / 2:09 am

    It is really important for our house to be child friendly because i have a lot of nieces and nephews that’s so into playing and running all around the house. This is article is very relevant. Thank you so much for sharing.

  3. June 23, 2019 / 2:27 pm

    I have been looking for ways to transform my home into a child-friendly one for my toddler. Your article has been a great help! 🙂 Thank you for sharing this, very helpful and informative!

  4. September 11, 2019 / 7:13 pm

    “Pretty! This has been a really wonderful post. Many thanks for supplying this information.”

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