The10 most popular afternoon tea treats in the UK

The most popular afternoon tea treats

Do you love an afternoon tea?

I do I think it is an absolutely lovely treat and a wonderful way to catch up with a friend.

afternoon tea treats, most popular afternoon tea

Catching up with friends can be SO important – wherever that may be (and whatever you are eating and drinking) Make time for your friends everyone!

Findings have been released by UK anti-poverty charity, The Trussell Trust, to gauge opinions on the most popular afternoon tea choices to promote Tea for Trussell, the charity’s new fundraising event sponsored by Waitrose.

The Trussell Trust is a UK charity with a 420-strong network of foodbanks, which provide a minimum of three days’ emergency food and support to people experiencing crisis in the UK.

Last year the charity gave 1,109,309 three day emergency food supplies to people in crisis. Money raised through Tea for Trussell will enable The Trussell Trust to help more people break the cycle of poverty.You can host a Tea for Trussell afternoon tea at work, at home or at school to help The Trussell Trust stop UK hunger.

You can visit  for more information, and to register for your free fundraising pack.

But what to serve at your afternoon tea? Here is some inspiration…

The top 10 afternoon tea favourites:
1. Scones with clotted cream and jam (51%)
2. Victoria sponge (34%)
3. Egg mayonnaise and cress sandwiches (32%)
4. Ham and mustard sandwiches (26%)
5. Shortbread (21%)
6. Cupcake (21%)
7. Chocolate digestive (20%)
8. Tea cakes (18%)
9. Iced buns (16%)
10. Cucumber sandwiches (13%)

Ooh I cannot pick my favourite out of these, but I have to say an iced bun goes down SO nicely with a cup of tea!


What’s your favourite?


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