My history at matchmaking
Over the years I have played matchmaker on many occasions. I have to say it is absolutely one of my favourite roles.
At school, I always had lots of boy friends and loved setting them up with my girl friends. I have always been a huge believer and lover of romantic stories and there really is little better than a real-life romantic story is there? In those days my matchmaking skills were pretty rubbish and were based solely on who I knew quite fancied who and who would look good together.
I am pleased to say that over the years they have developed into a much more sophisticated art form and in fact, I quite pride myself on them these days. In my time I have helped set up a couple of lovely matches based on personality and knowing the kinds of people that fit. But oh the spark of true love can be an elusive and mysterious thing can’t it so I would never say my matchings were foolproof. Sometimes the most unlikely of people fall in love.
I know that from personal experience!
I have always been intrigued by matchmakers I remember watching Fiddler on the Roof as a child with my mum and loving it! I used to sit transfixed by blind date on a Saturday night with Cilla Black, trying to guess who would choose who and you know, invariably I would be right. (Not that it always worked out on the actual date but my who picks who was pretty spot on!) My parents woudl giggle at how seriously I took it all – but I did not care. It was the highlight of my weekend.
I guess it was always something I was enthralled by early on and I am still to this day in love with love and perfect matches. I know we all have a special someone just waiting to be found.
My matchmaking service
If I was to set up my own matchmaking company I would follow the path of a traditional free dating site but I would absolutely want to put my own unique spin on things. Because romance is so important to me I would want my clients to share their favourite poetry.
Yes, you read that right.
I love a love poem and I think it can absolutely tell you so much about someone.
My favourite love poem?
Dive for dreams by ee cummings
trust your heart
if the seas catch fire
(and live by love
though the stars walk backward)
See I told you I was an utter and complete romantic.
I think through their choice of poetry I could tell if someone was silly or passionate, traditional or modern, arty or conservative and I could use it to help people find their complementary other.
What do you think? I know as an idea it is a bit out there but it would absolutely be a unique selling point would t it? I wonder what poem, you might choose if you were to sign up to my dating agency?
My dating agency experience
Okay, I have to put my hand up now and tell you that for all my matchmaking experience I have no experience of using a dating agency. Nope, absolutely none. I have managed to find a whole range of rather unsuitable dates throughout my life with no help from anyone. My own radar led me down some very unsuccessful pathways I can tel lyou. I think I do FAR BETTER picking for other people if you ever fancy giving my poetry matchmaking a little go
A more ‘normal’ way to date.
Online dating really is the new ‘normal’ when it comes to how people date today.
If poetry isn’t quite your thing you might like to try out WeLoveDates instead – a far less poetic choice but potentially a bit more successful? We Love Dates is international and has dating sites spanning across 7 different countries, catering for everyone from single parents in the UK, to Australian retirees.
I believe with all my heart there is someone for everyone so whatever route you take on your dating – I urge you not to give up and to absolutely give dating a good go. You never know what adventures await you or whether the next match might indeed be the match made in heaven.
So I will leave you with this little ditty again form the wonderful ee cummings
(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud
and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows
higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)
and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars aparti carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)