Autumn is most definitely here and autumn crafting is well under way.
This week has been madly busy so we made a very simple and speedy craft – a little clay hedgehog adorned with daises and leaves. Raisins for her eyes and nose. Isn’t she cute? We have named her Daisy the hedgehog!
I love a bit of air drying. It is clay so easy to work with and no baking required so you really can just stick anything in! So easy for kids to work with too.
Join in with #naturallycrafty
Naturally Crafty is the place to link up all your fab nature craft posts. We would love you to share your nature crafts with us, it’s a great way for us all to inspire each other. Old and new posts are very welcome. We’ll share all your posts on our Naturally Crafty Pinterest Board and across social media using the hashtag #naturallycrafty
This is a very simple linky, all we ask is that you follow these 3 rules:
- Please include our badge in the posts you link up
- Please comment on the hosts’ posts, which will be the first entries in the linky ( &
- Please do visit and comment on some of the other posts to share the crafty love
Tweet us – @growingfamilyuk and @BeckyGoddardH – with the url to your post, using the hashtag #naturallycrafty and we’ll happily retweet too.
Link up your posts this week over at Growing Family
Catherine & Becky x
Soooo cute! And brilliant for any little bits of clay leftover which we always seem to have.
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