Getting Ready for The Big Bed!

When your little ones are finally big enough to come out of the cot, into toddler beds, it is a really exciting time. Although most parents find they are in for a few long nights while the child settles into their new environment. Here are some tips for getting your babies settled into their new space with ease.

Getting Ready for The Big Bed!


Let’s first take a look at the reasons you might be thinking about making the switch from cot to bed:

  • You’ve decided it’s time to potty train and getting to the toilet is much easier for your tot this way
  • Your little one has started to try and climb the edges of the cot
  • You have a new baby on the way and need the cot
  • Your child has expressed an interest in being in a bed

Next up, it is time to make the bedroom as safe as possible. Once your child can get in and out of bed when they choose, you might find for a short while they are out of it more than in it.

Make sure all heavy furniture is fixed to the wall with brackets. And that they are flush to the wall.

Install safety locks on the windows. Check the gap to make sure that your child won’t be able to fit through.

Use socket covers. While you might not be so worried about your child sticking a finger in the socket, if they started putting other things in there you’re going to have a problem.

Remove all choking hazards, small toys, batteries, coins, and also potentially poison things like medicines, cleaning products, baby oils and so on. You’ll want to lock them away if you have them in your bathroom too.

Think about installing a safety gate at the top of your stairs or in the doorway of your little ones’ room.

Make sure there are no curtain or blind cords that your child can reach. There pose a serious strangulation risk.

Now for the fun bit! When you have made everything as safe as you can, you can take great joy in choosing the perfect bed for your little one. You might like to head to the shops together to look or browse toddler beds online. Take time and pick some really cool covers. This will make your child feel like the bed belongs to them – which is a great thing.

When you first make the swap, make sure you tell your child how proud you are of them for going into a big bed, it is all a learning process. Keep your old routine or create a new one more suited to the bed. Each evening try to encourage your little one to tidy their room, and arrange their pillows and blankets how they like and hop into bed.

A kiss goodnight is usually the last signal that it’s time to sleep.


TIP: Don’t use the bed as a punishment, as you might come to regret it if you begin to get bed refusal at a later stage. Keep bed as a comfortable, safe space.

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