Easter nature craft ideas are juts so lovely
Oh I love Easter nature crafting and there is nothing more fun to do with the kids at this special time of year. This is one super simple Easter craft and the materials won’t cost you anything at all.
Easter Nature Craft activity
You simply need
- A free Easter Printable (just google and you will find tons)
- PVA glue
- Fallen flowers form your garden or a park walk
- Coloured card
It really couldn’t be simpler. You just glue on your flower heads and glue tour picture to the card. So much fun gathering and sticking and a lovely activity for children to do in a group sharing out their nature finds.
May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very happy Easter.
Simple crafts really are the best aren’t they and I know these don’t last but aren’t they fabulous in their transient glory. They make me smile.
And isn’t it wonder to look at the tiny flowers that we often pass over and don’t give time too.
Have you been nature crafting recently? If not I can thoroughly recommend it, it is a great excuse for a nature walk and time at the table together being creative and really admiring nature too.
You might also like to take a look at these lovely easter colouring activity sheets that are free to download