3 Tips for Moving to A New House with Young Children

Tips for Moving to A New House with Young Children

Young children like their routines and they like things that stay the same. In that regard, they aren’t much different from many adults. A house move can be very disconcerting for a child, especially if they have never lived anywhere else, and they feel worried about moving out of the only home they have ever had. Add to this the excitement of moving to a new house and having a new bedroom and garden to enjoy, and their moods could be somewhat unpredictable.


Tips for Moving to A New House with Young Children

It is a good idea to have a plan in place for the days and weeks leading up to the move itself, and the days and weeks afterwards. You’ll know how to make things better for them if you have thought about it all in advance. Here are a few ideas of what to include in that plan.


Say A Proper Goodbye

One of the first things that you should think about is how to say a proper goodbye to their old house. Will it be done before or after the big end of tenancy cleaning Battersea? What will you say? Or will they be so excited they want to get to their new house as soon as possible? You can determine what is going to be best for your child as you will know them best, but some kind of goodbye is a good idea; otherwise, once the excitement has worn off, they might feel sad that they didn’t say or do anything. One thing that can be done is to have a family photo in front of the house to keep as a memory.


Let Them See Their New Home

If your child has not seen their new home, then take them there once everything has been agreed upon. The current owner shouldn’t be averse to the idea, and you won’t be there very long. You can use this time to show your child exactly where they will be living, what their room will be like, where they will have dinner, and so on. You can even take a walk from the house to the local shops and search out a playground. If they are moving schools, go there too.

Highlight everything positive about the place they are going to be living and get them excited for the most. Imagine if you had to leave somewhere you felt safe and move to somewhere you had never seen before – it just wouldn’t work. So, show them what you can and get excited about the move together; it will seem like a big adventure.


Tips for Moving to A New House with Young Children

Let Them Help

Packing is a big job, and the more hands you have to help you, the better. This is true of your children’s hands, too – get them to help where they can. If they can pack their own toys, books, and possessions, they won’t be so worried about leaving something behind (and you can always check to make sure nothing is left). Plus, they will feel much more in control of the situation if they are involved.

Have a ‘first night box’ for them too. This should contain all their essentials like favourite toys, books, bedding, a nightlight, and so on. If they have these things for their first night, they should be able to settle down and settle in much more quickly.


I hope you have found this post on Tips for Moving to A New House with Young Children



  1. May 7, 2020 / 6:03 am

    Thanks for sharing these tips! I agree that if you can you should let your kids help out on moving out since it can build their confidence early on and become more responsible.
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