Every single parent I know – without exception, has at some point despaired about their kids friendships. Oh, they really can be such exceptionally tricky and delicate things can’t they? It can be so difficult to help them navigate their way through the friendship maze. We want to protect them, give them guidance and direction and make things better. Yet, of course this is balanced with out need to help our children became problem solvers, independent thinkers and decision makers. It’s all such a tricky balance.
On top of the usual friendship power battles and alliances we now also have social media to contend with. Bullying, popularity contests, constant communication with no break all adds to friendship difficulties. Young people have so much to contend with dont’t they.
In response to this Tanith Carey has written a book all parents need, The Friendship Maze. It has had rave reviews so far and it really is a must have book! The Friendship Maze shows you how to help your child navigate their way to positive and happier friendships. It helps you decide when to step in or out of conflicts, helps you bully-proof your child and shows you how to help them deal with classroom and social media politics.
I have read this book with real enthusiasm and I think it’s an absolutely excellent guide for parents.
Would you like to win a copy of The Friendship Maze?
If you would like to win a copy of The Friendship Maze all you need to do is enter the rafflecopter below. Wishing you the best of luck! For another chance to win simply pop over to my Instagram and comment on the post!
This sounds incredibly useful. A while back, a child in my son’s class had a party and invited everyone except my little boy (a week after attending our party!), and I found it difficult to explain why this might have happened to my heartbroken son. A book like this would change his life!
This would be brilliant for my daughter fingers crossed
Hello! Xx
Just a little book to say hello. I would love to read this book to pick up some helpful tips for my little boy. He suffers from attachment disorder, related to his adoption.
Hello! xx
Hi! Exploring definition of Friendship seems important, and relevant. As nowadays there seems to be much populism (numbers, competitive :- winners and losers). Friendship is surely about Caring, Nurturing, Quality of connection / bond.
Book seems an essential read.
This book sounds amazing – I have a 3 year old and a 12 year old so both going through different stages of creating and maintaining friendships – i find it all very daunting.
would love this for my oldest having adhd, he can sometimes come across a bit strong and he tends to struggle with friendships x
Hi, lovely giveaway xx
Hello, keeping my fingers crossed for this
My little one is turning four in a few months and is just starting to form real friendships; it’s going to be a minefield out there, no doubt!
Amy ✦ Planning Spree recently posted…Emott Ever Fine Pens Review and Giveaway
This sounds like it’d be an interesting read xx
Lovely prize! Awesome blog
Great giveaway – would love to win x
This book may come in useful for my grandson
This book may come in useful for my grandson
Hello – it looks a great book
I’d love a copy of this book. I’m not very social and prefer my own company most of the time so having a reference book to help my kids get the most out of their friendships would be brilliant.
Hi Would love this for my 2 grandchildren. Thanks for the chance x
Hello! Great prize 🙂
hello! on this cold day
Hi this book will be great for my son. He likes being friends with everyone and finds it hard to understand that not everyone is nice and kind. Thanks for the chance.
hello 🙂
This sounds great!
This book looks great!
Parents can always do with a little more help and this sounds like the book to do it! Thanks for the chance to win!
This sounds useful for my son, he has ASD and struggles with relationships, this sounds like it would help!
My grandson has ADHD so think this book may be useful
My daughter is 10 shes so sensitive and kind so this could help me to help her
This book looks great
Hello x
This book sounds perfect, thanks for the chance.
Hello! 🙂
Lovely book thanks 🙂
Hi. Thanks for the competition
Hello 👋
Thanks for the great prize and competition. Good luck everyone!
Sounds interesting, thanks for the giveaway