How to Craft Flower Sticks

Welcome to this weeks Naturally Crafty nature craft linky. I will keep mine short and simple beacuse the kids are still off school till tomorrow and I want to go and play!

I have been doing a lot of walking this fact I am walking a marathon for the British heart Foundation (you can read about it here) On one of my walks around our stunning local park i got his urge to collect some sticks. They  were just the perfect thin size and bendy shape for the project I had in mine.

But then we went to a rather posh cafe and I was a bit embarrassed about my pile of sticks!! Oh well.

So what did I used them for?


Well I love flowers and it makes me happy to see a full vase on my mantel so I decided to work with my little girl at creating our own blooms that would truly last.

We used:





A big needle

Shredded paper

How we made them

We simply threaded, stuck and wound things on to our sticks to make them look pretty then arranged them in a vase.

Don’t they look  ace!


decorated s

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Catherine & Becky x





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